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Andrew Laidler

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I am a hobby painter with no formal training. Having spent many years walking the Surrey and Sussex tracks and paths, my main inspiration for putting paint to paper is the feeling of tranquility, solitude, freedom and even exuberance I feel when out in the countryside. My style seems to jump about a bit, I suppose it’s just the eclectic mix of artists that I admire and am influenced by.  The Canadian ‘Group of Seven’ (and associate Tom Thomson), and the Danish artist Hammershoi  have been inspirations to me over the last few years. 

I’m also very drawn to the lino and woodblock printing process, with its simplification of image (it’s so difficult to do!) and colour.


As a change to landscapes the pets of friends provide a different painting challenge. Most finished pictures are the result of much head scratching, canvas throwing and numerous restarts. 

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