Jill Lawton
I love colour. Born in the grey, industrial north, I escaped to the balmy south as a student and then went on a crazy adventure of living in colourful South Africa for 35 years. I have no formal training (apart from a GCSE many moons ago where my art teacher said “she has talent” but no one thought that talent would keep the wolf from the door). I did not touch a brush or palette knife for almost 40 years until I attended a mixed media workshop and started cutting and pasting to illustrate my poetry (another childhood passion that I had recently revived). In 2014 I self-published a coffee table book of poems and pictures (I wrote, illustrated and did the layout myself) and since then visual creativity has been my go-to-space for unwinding and finding peace and hope in an increasingly chaotic world. Although I said I have had no formal training, I have had some inspirational tutors and friends along the way – including South African artists Louise Hansen, Johan Smith, Ana Pereira de Vlieg. Since coming back to UK in March 2020 I have landed in a happy space meeting the incredibly talented artists at the Croydon Art Society and was exceptionally proud to be able to exhibit with them at Bourne Hall in June 2022.
I love the loose style of watercolour taught by Jean Haines and credit Vanessa Mayhew for introducing me to the addictive, serendipitous world of acrylic pouring and alcohol inks.
Email: ajlawton60@gmail.com