Zoe Akroyd Parker
ICAS blurb: Zoe Akroyd Parker
Originally from Halifax, West Yorkshire, I adopted Croydon as my home in 2003. Halifax is famous
for its textiles trade and I brought my love of fashion and textiles down south with me. I completed
a degree in Textile Design and now teach Art and Textiles at a secondary school in London.
In the summer of 2015, I visited Ethiopia, which influenced the way that I work and my outlook on
the world. I was very much inspired by the power and beauty of the tribespeople that I met. I was
overwhelmed by their strength and confidence, in spite of the adverse conditions in which they live.
When I returned to the UK I created drawings, paintings and textile pieces inspired by the people
and their culture.
My work is very much about pattern and texture, whether I am looking at a landscape or a person. I
create drawings and paintings of parks and landscapes, inspired by my love of gardening and the
I also create fashion drawings, inspired by my love of unusual people, textured fabrics and cool
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